By Sahar Foladi
City of Greater Dandenong residents will see the Town Hall light up blue to acknowledge April as World Autism Awareness Month.
The lights are up for a week starting from Monday 3 April right after World Autism Awareness Day.
Serco Australia together with Greater Dandenong Council worked together to ensure the blue lighting shines on the precinct.
Autism Spectrum Australia (Aspect) has moved to change the wording to World Autism Understanding Day in a bid to foster better consideration and acceptance of autism and autistic people.
Aspect CEO Jacqui Borland said she applauds the change because how we use language to talk about autism and autistic people is so important.
“While World Autism Understanding Day is about celebrating the autistic community, it is essential that we educate the wider public to ensure autistic people feel comfortable about disclosing their disability and are supported.
“The more our wider community understands what life on the autism spectrum can feel like, the more likely it is they will know what environmental adjustments and language will make a difference for colleagues, friends, clients and relatives.”
The organisation focuses to create a positive and inclusive environment for autistic people through changing behaviours in society.