Harmony spreading across the hills

(Back)Heather, John, Iris, and Khush (Middle) Teeah, Claudia, Elorm, Abigail, Manjot, and Manal, (Front) Hersjen, Aldin, and Cetin 136125 Pictures: STEWART CHAMBERS

THE Endeavour Hills community understands the importance of harmony.
Last Friday students from Thomas Mitchell proved this when they celebrated national Harmony Day, an acknowledgement of Australia’s cultural diversity.
“The purpose of Harmony Day is to strengthen our sense of belonging, respect and understanding of cultural diversity,” teacher Iris Wong said.
“At Thomas Mitchell Primary School, we pride ourselves as a highly multi-cultural community and we aim to provide an internationalised perspective within our curriculum.
“Our families represent 74 countries and we speak 86 different languages at home. Our staff represent 28 countries.”
Thomas Mitchell also offers both Indonesian and Mandarin as additional language classes.“Harmony Day at our school is a day of cultural respect for everyone who calls Australia home – from the traditional owners of this land to those who have come from many countries around the world,” Ms Wong said.
“By participating in cultural diversity activities, we can learn and understand how all Australian from diverse backgrounds belong to this nation and enrich it.”
The primary school used the whole of last week to participate in activities celebrating multiculturalism, culminating in Harmony Day.