Meet the Greater Dandenong Council candidates – Keysborough South Ward

Geraldine Gonsalves at the ballot draw with her competitor Ajdin Muzur for the Keysborough South ward. (Gary Sissons: 432584_31)


Suburbs: Southern part of Keysborough, Bangholme, part of Lyndhurst

Sitting councillor: Vacated by Rhonda Garad (Greens)

Candidates: Adjin Muzur (Australian Labor Party), Alexandra Bryant (ALP), Isabella Do (Greens), Geraldine Gonsalvez, Sasha Jankovic (ALP)

No survey response: Muzur


Suburb of Residence – Dandenong North

How long have you lived in Greater Dandenong? Most of my life

Political party (past or present): Labor Party

Occupation, business/employer name: Management Consultant (and current student)

Property interests: Nil

Business interests: Nil

Three most important issues for your ward:

– Keysborough Community Hub (and its effective future management)

– Further enhancement, access and improvements in the sporting facilities within our city

– Further attention to the public transport needs of residents

– Increased focus and advocacy on the safety of our residents

– Increased surveillance of rubbish dumping in hotspot areas

Describe your involvement in the local community:

For the past 45 years I have been active within my local sporting, community and church groups – all based within the Keysborough South Ward. I have grown up here as I watched the area go through a remarkable transformation.

Why are you standing for election?

I have been inspired by my sister, Cr Lana Formoso, who amidst incredible personal hardship in recent years has never wavered in her efforts to support her residents and our city. As mentioned, having grown up watching the transformation of the area, I would like to work for our residents to ensure that it continues to move in the right direction and that the Keysborough South Hub is the foundation stone and success that the residents need and deserve.

This area, and my involvement in community and sporting groups, gave me the support that guided me on my path to completing university (including an MBA) on sporting scholarships in the USA. It would be a privilege to be able to help our young residents in similar endeavours and work so that they have the facilities and support for this.

Growing up, Dandenong Market was the best in all of Melbourne. I firmly believe that it still is, and will work to ensure that it grows in stature and recognition.

What is your campaign budget? Approximately $4,000

Who are your campaign donors? How much have each contributed? Self funded

What councillors, ex-councillors, MPs or ex-MPs have assisted or advised your campaign?

Mayor Cr Lana Formoso

Five time Mayor Cr Jim Memeti

Deputy Mayor Cr Richard Lim OAM

Former Mayor, former Councillor and City of Greater Dandenong Living Treasure – Roz Blades AM (whom I watched growing up tirelessly serving our City.)

Who will you direct your preferences to? To be completed upon the completion of meetings with all the candidates



Suburb of residence: Dandenong 3175.

How long have you lived in Greater Dandenong?

I have lived in Dandenong for the past 40 years. I have been a Councillor for the Dandenong Ward 2000 – 2003 and have a good working knowledge of our City’s strengths and weaknesses.

Political party (past or present): Not applicable, as I’m not a member of any registered political party.

Occupation, business/employer name:

I am an educator by profession. Dip. T; Grad. Dip.Ed.; B Ed. ; M Ed. ; and other qualifications in the field of education and I have a Leadership in Family ministry qualification.

Property interests:

I would like Council to support the supply of a variety of affordable needs-based quality homes for the residents of Greater Dandenong.

Including assistance to elderly and disabled residents who need help to better their properties and living conditions.

Business interests: NIL

Three most important issues for your ward:

1. Respect for the green wedge zoning uses and residents concerns about the creep of industrialisation within the Bangholme green wedge.

2. Review and enable resolve with SESH – the Southeast Sports Hub Controversy again another example of controversy of rezoning golf club issues within the green wedge space.

3. Address undercutting business issues in the more expensive industrial zone and breach of planning permit uses. I believe manufacturing is the heart of our city creating jobs and support for retail outlets.

4. To keep local government local and be accountable to residents first as opposed to other power bases by enabling resident voices to be heard and ensure I work for and with residents to better value for rates, services, community wellbeing and safety.

Describe your involvement in the local community:

My voluntary engagement with Greater Dandenong extends over 40 years and has never stopped because it is our hometown. I have served on the committees of management of many not-for-profit Community organisations in various capacities, as an ordinary member, president, and Secretary. Some of which include being a founding member of Wellsprings, founding chairperson of the Australian Indian Innovations and pioneer of the little India precinct at the dawn of this millennium, SE representative and later State President on the Victorian state Playgroups Association bringing the first Wiggles show to Springers Leisure Centre. I have chaired Dandenong’s resident action groups and was the chairperson and Secretary for many years of RATWISE – Residents Against Toxic Waste in the Southeast taking the fight up for better environmental safety measures against pollution and protection of ground water, air, workers and families health concerns in the Lyndhurst Ordish road, Dandenong South, and the Keysborough South areas of our city. I have also been a member of resident groups keen to preserve past heritage buildings defining our city as in saving the town hall, the Tom Houlahan Centre and many others and was the preservation chairperson of the Rowan Park house and the friends of Rowan park. I have served on all my 7 children’s preschool, primary, secondary school associations and tertiary groups and have served my parish and Deanery community groups in various capacities. I enjoy volunteering and am a long time committed local volunteer. Volunteers do so much unpaid work. They are the life blood of a city and the glue that holds it together.

Why are you standing for election?

To champion Change and New Beginnings, maximise transparency and serve all residents honestly and fairly, as well as to ensure Council, adopts the precautionary principle and duty of care towards ‘All’ its residents and to assist enabling a Family / job friendly safe city with improved recreational facilities, sustainable business options and, an improved waste management policy city wide.

What is your campaign budget?

Very simple, I’m on a shoestring budget. I do have the habit of ‘cutting my coat according to my cloth’ as the proverb goes so my expenses in view of my campaign return will indicate will be for basic fees and costs associated with the non-avoidable campaign necessities.

Who are your campaign donors? How much have each contributed?

I have no major donors. It’s just me, my husband, and our family kitty.

What councillors, ex-councillors, MPs, or ex-MPs have assisted or advised your campaign? NONE

Who will you direct your preferences to?

My preference strategy is simple. As I come with no strings attached, I do a – ‘like for like’ mutual exchange. And its first in best dressed. Who ever makes the offer first mutually gets my consent.



Suburb of residence: Dandenong

How long have you lived in Greater Dandenong? I am a lifelong resident of the municipality, having lived in various parts over my 32 years of life.

Political party (past or present): I am a Labor Party member but am running independently in this council election.

Occupation, business/employer name: I’m a youth worker with a community services organisation.

Property interests: I don’t own any property, I am a renter.

Business interests: I do not have any business interests.

Three most important issues for your ward:

– Balancing development of more housing with the maintenance of adequate green wedge and open space. In particular this issue is currently highlighted by the South Eastern Sports Hub Project on Pillars Road in Bangholme.

– The completion of the Keysborough Community Hub project to the meet the expectations and needs of the community, to ensure local residents have the facilities they deserve and expect local to them.

– Residents in the Keysborough South Ward getting value for money for their rates through the provision of adequate amenities, quality services being delivered locally and proper servicing by public transport. With the addressing of these basics requiring advocating within council and advocating to the other levels of government.

Describe your involvement in the local community:

Over my lifetime I have been involved in the local community in many ways, having completed my primary and secondary education at Springvale Primary School and then Springvale Secondary College (now Keysborough Secondary College). Before completing tertiary education at Monash University in nearby Clayton.

I have been an active member of the Springvale Historical Society and Dandenong and District Historical Society. I am currently involved as a player and on the committee of an SFNL football club, and understand the great value of sporting clubs as community hubs.

My working life in the community services sector has been around the wider southeast, inclusive of Greater Dandenong. My work provides insight to the struggles of the most disadvantaged members of our society and how council work impacts peoples everyday lives.

Why are you standing for election?

I am standing for election because as a lifelong local of the area and as a younger member of our community I believe I can make a positive contribution to our vibrant city as a local councillor. I live, work and play locally thus giving me an understanding of this community and its needs. I also feel council needs to ensure it is listening to local residents and providing the services that help local residents live positive, fulfilling lives, across all stages of life.

What is your campaign budget? Minimal, I am self-funding a grassroots campaign.

Who are your campaign donors? How much have each contributed? As per above I am not taking donations so I can remain a truly independent candidate beholden to no special interests other than those of local residents.

What councillors, ex-councillors, MPs or ex-MPs have assisted or advised your campaign?

I am running independently and not receiving any advice from any such people listed above.

Who will you direct your preferences to? I am directing my second preference to Ajdin Muzur.



Suburb of residence: Springvale

How long have you lived in Greater Dandenong? I have lived here my entire life. I love the people, the culture, the parks and I especially appreciate the increase of investment into better community spaces.

Political party (past or present): Greens

Occupation, business/employer name: I work full-time as an Assistant Brand Manager for Automotive and Industrial Coatings at DuluxGroup, working locally in Dandenong South.

Property interests: I am paying off my own home but have no other properties.

Business interests: N/A

Three most important issues for your ward:

– Parking and traffic congestion: There are parking and congestion issues in the area, which are impacting quality of life but also road safety. I want to continue the work of Rhonda Garad on these issues, particularly improving safety around schools.

– Parks and open spaces: The parks in Keysborough South are what draws people to live here. Keeping up the maintenance and enhancing them further with improving playgrounds and other features e.g. the dog park with increased agility equipment, is what residents are telling me when I door knock them on what they want to see.

– Getting value for rates: People work hard and deserve value for their rates. If elected, I will ensure transparency and value in how rates and the maintenance levy is spent.

Describe your involvement in the local community:

I first started becoming more involved in the local community when I first took part in the School Community Involvement Program (SCIP) at Killester College in Springvale.Through my later years at Killester, I visited aged care residents, tutored primary school students after school and volunteered with Joey’s Food Van helping the homeless. After I graduated, I continued to help out with Joey’s Food Van, an outreach of St Joseph’s, until they ceased operations during COVID. Before COVID, Joey’s Food Van would go to Palm Plaza in Dandenong bi-weekly to help feed those who were in need of support and care.

In 2019, I participated in the City of Greater Dandenong’s Young Leaders Program and in the same year, won the Community Citizenship Award at the Youth Showcase for my volunteer work with Greater Dandenong State Emergency Service and also helping to deliver the Elevate Youth project.

During COVID, I also volunteered with a student-run organisation, Monash International Development Practice Association (MIDPA), and dropped off free meals to struggling international students living locally.

I have been a member of the Greater Dandenong Environment Group for the past two years. I’ve also been an active State Emergency Service (SES) volunteer since 2018. In my capacity, I assist with responding to areas impacted by severe weather events as well as helping other emergency services such as Ambulance Victoria with casualty extrication and Victoria Police with missing person and evidence searches.

I have also been active civically in recent years, asking questions at Council meetings and taking part in Council consultations.

Why are you standing for election?

I was inspired to run for Council by Rhonda Garad, the outgoing Councillor of Keysborough South ward. I got to see firsthand how she was making Keysborough South Ward and the City of Greater Dandenong as a whole a better place to live. When she decided not to run in Keysborough South Ward, I decided with Rhonda’s endorsement to stand in Keysborough South Ward. Local government is the closest level of government to the people and Councillors can make a real influence to people’s lives.

What is your campaign budget?

At this point, as much as I can fundraise! Campaigning can be really expensive and with the cost of living pressures, it’s a hard ask for many people to donate money to my campaign. I have spent a significant amount of my own money for fundraising events and I will continue to fundraise until October as every dollar will help.

Who are your campaign donors? How much have each contributed?

I do not accept donations from businesses or corporations, nor any real estate agents or property developers. As a result, I only accept donations from community supporters and everyday people. While it means I may not be able to fundraise as much as other candidates, I am still extremely fortunate to have family, friends, and colleagues support my campaign and they are chipping in what they can, which I am thankful for.

What councillors, ex-councillors, MPs or ex-MPs have assisted or advised your campaign?

I am grateful to have the support and endorsement of the outgoing Councillor for Keysborough South Ward, Rhonda Garad. The previous Councillor for the area, Matthew Kirwan, has also been a source of valuable advice.

Who will you direct your preferences to?

I am still learning more about the other candidates and will publish a ‘How To Vote’ by the end of September. While I ask for residents to vote for me as their first preference, I would also like to ask residents of the Keysborough South Ward to preference their votes to the candidates they believe will best represent and fight for them and look at each candidate’s merits and policies. I also trust residents to make their own independent and informed choices if they choose not to follow my How To Vote card.