Seeking happiness

by Venerable Bhikkhuni Bodhicitta, Member of Greater Dandenong Interfaith Network Executive Committee

We have unprecedented access to technology, healthcare, luxuries and the best of everything for one to live comfortably and happily.

Yet a lot of people are unhappy and are suffering from mental imbalances.

Untreated mental disorders are a leading cause of the global disease burden in society today, according to the World Health Organisation.

However, we do have hope, because human beings have the capacity to understand and change their own thinking and behaviours.

What we are looking for is happiness.

Happiness can only be achieved when we are comfortable.

Comfort comes when we have a relaxed body, and what we are seeking is a way to relax.

But we have found easy, quick methods to achieve relaxation.

The Buddha said to wake up to reality and use your senses to help you lead your life in a meaningful way.

Practicing selflessness and nurturing good human qualities, these will naturally lead to a healthy mind, relaxed body, and a corresponding physical health to both the individual and to the society.

There are two grades in the quality of happiness.

Lower grade pleasures can be achieved temporarily but perpetuate harmful states of the mind and body.

Stimulating the senses through the selfish and repeated use of such things as alcohol, drugs, pornography, media addiction, violence, gossip, sexual misconduct, and materialism etc.

When we lose control of our mind, the ability to think and act rationally is compromised, and mental illness occurs.

And these ill-thoughts create suffering.

At its worst, these negative thoughts lead to anger and violence.

The opposite is purifying a mind that achieves happiness through developing good human qualities.

Unconditional loving kindness, compassion, altruistic joy, equanimity etc are all positive qualities that are capable of relaxing the body and giving one happiness.

This applies to the individual and is beneficial to the whole of society, bringing peace and harmony.

Instead of ill-thoughts, we develop our mind to seek caring thoughts, virtuous, friendly thoughts, which foster a healthy mind.

To achieve a relaxed mind – practicing selflessness.

This is practicing Metta, loving kindness, which activates the natural, satisfying solid kind of happiness which arises and is sustainable.

This leads to good physical and mental health.

Because we have the capacity to understand this and choose the better way, there is hope for all of us to bring the mental and physical suffering to an end.