Moving ahead on PT

SECL financial-wellbeing head Rachna Madaan Bowman, left, says public transport is vital for CALD women. (Stewart Chambers: 414616)

Public transport is a key for migrant women moving ahead in their lives, according to organisers of an International Womens Day event in Dandenong on Friday.

The public celebration is hosted by South East Community Links and Metro Trains, who jointly run the successful Community Connectors program at Dandenong railway station.

SECL financial-wellbeing head Rachna Madaan Bowman said the IWD event highlighted the importance of public transport being “safe and welcoming for all”.

“Our event supports the voices of multicultural women and highlights how feeling safe and confident on public transport helps them live more independent lives.

“Many migrant and refugee women face transport challenges that limit their opportunities.

“For these women, public transport is more than just a way to get from A to B – it helps women access education, employment, and social connection.”

Bowman said Community Connectors were making a “real difference” at Dandenong and Frankston stations.

“Through programs like Community Connectors, we’re ensuring that all community members, especially women, can access safe, reliable, and inclusive transport to build a better future for themselves and their families.”

Community Connectors are qualified outreach practitioners that provide direct support for emergency relief, youth housing and empowerment programs, settlement services, and financial counselling.

They also coordinate referrals to local services for drug and alcohol, mental health, homelessness, and family violence support.

A report on the Dandenong pilot program found that connectors referred about 190 people to services, prevented harm and de-escalated over 100 situations, initiated casework for around 70 people.

It also improved passengers’ perception of safety.

At the IWD event, Candy Bowers will appear as MC, as well as Transport Minister Gabrielle Williams and Mulgrave MP Eden Foster.

It is at Harmony Square, cnr Lonsdale and Walker streets, Dandenong on Friday 7 March, 11am-12pm. Morning tea provided.