Garden springs into birthday

Garden members Tania, Bryan and James with then-mayor Eden Foster (second right).

Fresh blooms and vegies were in their full Spring glory for a Keysborough community garden’s first anniversary.

Maralinga Community Garden celebrated its birthday at Chandler Road Reserve on Sunday 8 October, with then-mayor Eden Foster and visitors enjoying its already burgeoning garden plots.

The garden had come into being through volunteers’ fundraising, Rotary and Lions clubs as well as grants from South East Water, Greater Dandenong Council and the State Government.

“Many people who attended the opening last year were blown away at all the new infrastructure that has gone in over the 12 months,” garden member Gaye Guest said.

“We had many interested locals enquiring about membership and we encourage anyone who would like to know more to please get in touch.

“We are always happy to show case our gardens to interested residents.”

The garden’s next open day will be held on the inaugural National Community Gardens Day on 26 November, 10am-12pm.