100 years ago
19 June 1924
Driving Cattle Along Streets
At the meeting of the Dandenong Shire Council on the 16th last, Cr Tharle wanted to know who was responsible for any accident that may occur as a result of stock being driven at a quick pace along the streets from the market. He was not blaming the drovers, who did their best to handle the horses and cattle. Cr Harris contended the drovers would be responsible for any accident as they were in charge of the stock. Cr Gartside expressed the opinion that the drovers would not be responsible if one of them rode in front of the stock. Cr Tharle moved that the council bring the matter under the notice of the stock salesmen and ask if something could be done to abate the nuisance.
50 years ago
18 June 1974
And now, it’s on with the round ball …
With the advent of an Australian team reaching the World Cup soccer finals, the word “soccer” is casting a giant shadow over Australian Rules followers. Why this sudden increase in interest? Obviously, the Australians fighting for honours in the World Cup in Munich at this moment has sparked off a lot of thought. The World Cup finals are the height of glory on the soccer world, and millions of Australians will watch and see how the team fares. As Australian Rules football is only played in four States in Australia, international competition is out of the question. Secretary of the Dandenong Football Club, Mr Lionel Farrow, says that if football does lose its top spot it will be the fault of administrators. “At the moment, Australia Rules is lacking organisation, excitement and entertainment. Although soccer is as clever as a barrel-full of monkeys. It lacks a certain something that is only found in footy.”
20 years ago
21 June 2004
Hands Off! Council plan to pave over the Pioneers for car park.
A plan to build a car park on the site of a park honouring Dandenong’s pioneers has outraged history enthusiasts. The council said the park’s features would be moved to open space at the corner of Clow and Stuart Street. Attempts would be made to incorporate “as many trees as possible” into the asphalt car park. Carmen Powell from Dandenong District Historical Society said monuments were not meant to be transient and society members were “livid”. ”The council have to honour the past and not just pay lip service to protecting it.”
5 years ago
17 June 2019
Council move to ‘gag’ Cr Kirwan
A Greater Dandenong Councillor has accused colleagues of “gagging themselves” in an attempt to gag him at future council meetings. Ct Kirwan made the claim during the debate on proposed procedural changes, including the limiting of each councillor to eight minutes of questioning of council directors. From the start of his six-year tenure, Cr Kirwan had become renowned for his lengthy, thorough interrogation of council directors. His personal Q&A time often well exceeded eight minutes. “In this quest to gag me from doing my job in an accountable, transparent way … councillors that support it are gagging themselves.” Cr O’Reilly said the rules established a “sensible limit” to stop time being used up on a “single person’s whim.” Cr Dark, in opposition, said the “gag motion” was an attempt by the majority Labor councillors to stifle issues raised by residents and councillors. The local law amendments were adopted in-principle by a majority of councillors.
Compiled by Dandenong & District Historical Society