100 years ago
26 June 1924
Country Roads Board Contracts
Tarring – The tarring on the Princes Highway between Hallam and Dandenong is now completed. The work was held up several times on account of the weather. It will be necessary to purchase a tar cart to keep the road in order.
50 years ago
25 June 1974
New Shopping Centres ‘A Threat’
‘But they’ll be combatted’
The proposed shopping centres for Hallam and Narre Warren would be a threat to Dandenong, Mr. Alan Carter said yesterday. Mr Carter, newly-elected President of Dandenong Chamber of Commerce and Industry, added however: “But Dandenong can and will combat these and other satellite shopping centres.” Stressing that he was speaking personally and not on behalf of the chamber, Mr. Carter said: “I firmly believe Dandenong can offer far more than these outer area shopping centres. Our major problem appears to be parking and although it will take time, this can be sorted out. With the opening of Myer’s plus the Hub complex of shops, Dandenong has second-to-none facilities for the shopper.”
20 years ago
28 June 2004
Jayco gets land go-ahead
Australia’s largest caravan manufacturer Jayco, will be the beneficiary of a State Government decision to allow additional land in Dandenong South to be opened for industrial development.
Last July, the company which employs about 600, many of them Dandenong residents, threatened to leave Dandenong unless its plan to consolidate three local operations into a single 40.4-hectare site in Frankston-Dandenong Road was approved. Following a request from Greater Dandenong Council, the Government agreed to alter the city’s urban growth boundary to allow for the rezoning of 1040 hectares of rural land to cater for industrial growth. The land is in the region’s green wedge.
5 years ago
24 June 2019
Writing’s on the wall
A captivating mural has injected visual fantasy onto the walls of the Dandenong Library’s children’s area. The Journey of Dreams, which features a reader among airborne books, was designed by artist Julian Clavijo. The work explored the concept of children being curious and believing in a world where anything is possible, Clavijo said. Greater Dandenong Mayor Roz Blades said the artwork added “playfulness and whimsy” to the library space. “It encourages children’s imaginations to run wild.” Clavijo is also known for enchanting murals of upside-down children in Springvale and coloured lines on the Thomas Street car-park in Dandenong.
Compiled by Dandenong & District Historical Society