100 years ago
31 July 1924
“Haircutting by wireless!”
Well not exactly; only to wireless music. This luxury is to be available to Dandenong, owing to the fact of a local hairdresser conceiving the happy idea of having a wireless “listening-in” machine installed in his hairdressing salon. I presume this is to be thrown in as an extra with the eighteen-penny haircut. Anyway, ‘tis right up-to-date and will serve to pass the time pleasantly while customers are waiting their turn.
50 years ago
30 July 1974
Schooling ‘worst in state’
The Dandenong area is one of the most educationally underprivileged in the state. The problem is being aggravated by old and unfunctional buildings and a rapidly expanding population. Principal of Dandenong High School, Basil Moss said “there are clear problems with the education field in the Dandenong area”. The atrocious conditions of some of the school buildings have been highlighted over the years by the Dandenong Journal. The latest building to come under fire is the Bristol unit, built shortly after the end of the Second World War. The Bristol building hade major problems: a lack of proper heating to the point where students wear gloves and scarves to school; uncertain stability of the ceiling panels; uncertain electricity supply; overwhelming heat in summer; little or no repair work being done. Mr Moss agreed with the complaints saying the Bristol type building was “not suitable for Australia”. The uncertain supply of State finance means that one cannot predict how long these conditions will be endured.
20 years ago
30 August 2004
Park’s birthday
Burden Park playground in Springvale South celebrates its 10th birthday next Sunday. The playground, on the corner of Springvale and Heatherton Roads, was funded and built by volunteers and opened in 1994. It took 1200 volunteers, including council workers and Army reservists five days to build the wooden structure that features a castle. Greater Dandenong Mayor, Clare O’Neil said the project captured the community’s imagination.
5 years ago
30 July 2019
Solar farm proposed
A $38 million solar farm with about 68,000 solar panels has been proposed for a 44-hectare former landfill in Springvale South. The Green Wedge site bounded by Clarke Street, Rowan Road, Westall and Springvale Roads could power 10,000 average homes and about 39,000 megawatt hours of “secure and stable green energy”. Its proponent claims the project could save 42,000 tonnes of carbon dioxide each year. In its submission to the council, Progress Solar has claimed its design would not impede managed risks such as landfill gas explosions and leachate. It has also pledged to use thick native vegetation to screen the solar panels’ maximum height of four metres.
Compiled by Dandenong & District Historical Society