100 years ago
28 August 1924
Heavy Rainfall
The State has been treated to a most welcome general rain during the past few days. The only trouble is that in some parts it has been too heavy, and is likely to cause floods. This is the case in Dandenong where it has rained continuously from an early hour on Monday morning until midday on Tuesday. The fall for this period, measured at the Dandenong Post Office, was 3 inches 65 points, and, as a result of this exceptionally heavy fall, the Dandenong creek rose rapidly. On Tuesday afternoon the flood waters were level with the bridge near the park, and Berwick road was inundated for a distance of several hundred yards. The houses in this vicinity were surrounded with water and the residents had to leave their homes. Frankston road, in places was covered with water to a depth of three feet, and there was also a great volume of flood water at Bangholme and Carrum swamp. The flood waters also crossed Kidd’s Road – in fact, similar conditions prevailed as was experienced during last year’s flood, which did so much damage to market gardens and roads.
50 years ago
29 August1974
Massive deficit forecast.
Dandenong council is facing a massive $250,000 deficit this financial year. This prediction was made by the Town Clerk, Cal Elliot, at council’s meeting on Monday night. The comments were made during council discussion on a Federal Government grant of $155,000. Mr Elliot said the $155,000 was a “no strings attached” offer and could be used for any municipal purpose. Cr Keith Miller successfully moved for a report “on what money can be used for recreational facilities and various reserve and pre-schools”. But councillor Frank Holohan suggested that the money be spread over the entire municipality to benefit all ratepayers and “not just an isolated few.” He added “our submission to the Grants Commission was for a topping up process to offset an expected overall city deficit”.
20 years ago
August 2004
Casey monorail idea too costly
Casey Council has derailed the idea of building a monorail because the cost is estimated to be between $20million-$30million a kilometre. The report compared the costs of the Hallam By-pass project and read, “The recently completed Hallam By-pass was constructed for a cost of $165 million for a length of 7.5 kilometres, which translates to a cost of $22 million per kilometre.” Cr Kevin Bradford still vouches for the idea. “Go to Europe and they are seen as a great way to get around and therefore the demand is higher and they are a lot cheaper to build,” he said.
5 years ago
27 August 2019
For peace of mind for many, words make a difference
It’s OK to ask for help. That was the prevailing message at a free mental health forum staged by Rotary Club of Greater Dandenong on 21 August. But there is the question of how to ask. “They don’t ask you if you need help because they’re afraid to. They don’t know what you need” said forum MC Vivianne Armstrong from Australian Rotary Health. “You can’t expect others to tell you how they can help you because they haven’t been there and haven’t felt it. It’s up to you to say, can you drop off the kids at school, or could you pick up the shopping, or sit with me and watch TV for half an hour as I am lonely. It’s up to you to tell your family and friends how to help you.” If you need help, call Lifeline on 13 11 14.
Compiled by Dandenong & District Historical Society