100 years ago
8 January 1925
The newspapers simply teem with accounts of holiday accidents and offenses. Usually, the end of the holidays is marked by reports of numerous gun accidents, but so far there is a dearth of “Didn’t know it was loaded“ items. Motors that turn somersaults on hillsides and boat accidents are the main features in the newspaper accounts of holiday casualties. At holiday time, pedestrians go in absolute fear of their lives, since the streets are covered at all hours of the day and night by motor cars driven by youths of both sexes without the regard for speed limits. Holders of licenses must be 18 years of age, but boys and girls of much under that age are constantly seen driving about the neighbourhood. Of course, they have no licenses, but they are not challenged.
50 years ago
9 January 1975
Crook’s National Stores, Dandenong Big Star Food Centre in the heart of Lonsdale Street’s golden mile will close on January 18 after 30 years trading in Dandenong. The store, which has a frontage of about 25 feet to Lonsdale Street was sold 2½ months ago to Hilton Purchasing Company. Purchase price was $50,000. A leading firm of architects has been engaged to modernise and completely redecorate the 6,000 square foot store. The garment range will be from stylish sportswear right through to elegant formal evening wear.
20 years ago
10 January 2005
Actors wait in the wings for new home base.
The Dandenong Theatre Company got a sneak preview of its future $15 million home when City of Greater Dandenong director of cultural facilities Paul Streefkerk ushered six of the club’s members through the soon-to-be theatre’s town hall site. Original sections of the 110-year-old building will be restored to their former glory, while other areas have been demolished in favour of state-of-the-art facilities. While the name of the complex is yet to be determined, test events have been slated for December this year, being fully open to the public next year.
5 years ago
7 January 2020
They said it …..
“How can you sum up destruction?” – I Cook Foods director Ian Cook after his 41-staff catering business was effectively destroyed when shut down for 36 days by Department of Health and Human Services and Dandenong Council.
“You cannot arrest your way out of the problems the criminal justice system faces alone.” – Dandenong Drug Court Magistrate Gerard Bryant.
“An aged care facility is not a home. It is an institution.” – Greater Dandenong living treasure Merle Mitchell makes a damming submission to the Royal Commission into Aged Care.
Compiled by Dandenong & District Historical Society