100 years ago
12 February 1925
Old Identities
Mr and Mrs McQuade and family have left Dandenong and taken up their residence in St Kilda, consequence upon the leasehold of the Albion Hotel having been sold. They will be sadly missed in Dandenong by their many friends. Mr G.L. Gurling has purchased a leasehold of the Albion Hotel at Dandenong and is now in possession at this old established and well conducted hotel. The new owner has had considerable experience as a licensed victualler, having previously been in occupation of the Bridge Hotel, Richmond and until recently, the Criterion Hotel, Sale.
50 years ago
13 February 1975
A year of challenge. (by Max Oldmeadow MP)
Parliamentary year 1975 has started. What sort of a year is it going to be? Certainly, from the Government’s point of view, it will be a year of challenge. The two problems of unemployment and inflation remain. These are world-wide problems and there is no simple solution. The raw unemployment figure has risen, but the seasonally adjusted figure shows a slight drop over the quarter. In Holt electorate, the figures show a continual rise. At the Dandenong office there were 2138 registered for jobs at the end of January, with 143 job vacancies. At the Springvale office there were 221 vacancies and 1588 registered unemployed.
20 years ago
14 February 2005
Giving you the Drum
Greater Dandenong’s $14 million performing arts theatre is tipped to be named the Dandenong Red Drum Theatre. Tonight, councillors will consider the recommendation from the theatre’s director Paul Streefkerk that the naming be endorsed. The ‘red drum’ idea comes from part of the Lonsdale Street Theatre’s design, which is being incorporated into the original town hall façade. The name will be used to market the new centre.
5 years ago
11 February 2020
Students flock to school
In a win for people power, Keysborough Gardens Primary School formally opened on 31 January. Principal, Phil Anthony, said 160 students were settling into the unique two-storey school in the new Keysborough estates. “The vertical building was a point of difference. It was set up for a focus on collaborative learning – allowing students to learn from other classes, teachers and school-mates” Mr Anthony said. It was a proud day for parents such as Nina Kelly who had lobbied for a state school in the estates since 2015.
Compiled by Dandenong & District Historical Society