Harmony Day’s beat of many drums

Braxton, 6, and Ivy, 7, in a Harmony Day dance at St Anthony's Primary. (Ljubica Vrankovic: 465511)

Foods, costumes and music drummed in Harmony Day across the South East on Friday 21 March.

Seniors clubs at John Pandazopoulos Hall in Doveton, as well as students, parents and staff at schools across the region proudly paraded in national garments.

Among the dance acts at Doveton were Xin Jiang Chinese Group, Filipino Younger Generation Group, Sri Lankan Welfare Association, Mauritian Silver Edge and South Eastern Chinese Association.

Meanwhile, St Anthonys Primary School in Noble Park thundered with Taiko drumming.

A feast of delicious world cuisines was served in the Southern Cross Primary School quadrangle at Endeavour Hills.

“Students, teachers, and the parent community admire the beauty of traditional and special cultural outfits that reflect our rich heritage,” a school spokesperson said.

“The uplifting voices of our school choir amaze us as they sing songs of harmony and togetherness.

“We celebrate the strength of our diverse community because we all belong.”