Day for young and old

Cleo has a laugh with Viewhills Aged Care resident, Lorna. 129102 Pictures: STEWART CHAMBERS


THE elderly and the young of Endeavour Hills celebrated Seniors Month together recently.
Residents from Viewhills Manor Nursing Home were treated as guests of honour when they made the trip to the nearby Rose Garden Childcare and Kindergarten on 23 October.
Viewhills Lifestyle Co-ordinator Cheryl Hallam said the event was a definite success.
“It’s integration with the old and the young and it’s amazing to see how the young and elderly respond,” she said.
“It’s a community base; it’s good to keep in with the community.
“The children made them afternoon tea and they put on a concert for them.”
Ms Hallam explained how Rose Garden Childcare and Viewhills had built a strong relationship over the past four years with the children making regular monthly visits to their elderly neighbours.
“Once a month the children visit and they say they’re going to grandma and grandpa’s house,” she said.
“The regular visits between the services provide children and residents with a happy and uplifting experience each and every time.
“The children show great respect, enthusiasm and care to the residents and help to brighten their day with songs, artwork and stories that they share with the residents.”
The partnership between the two services was initiated as part of the Rose Garden Enrichment Program.