Putting out a new message

Frank Cresia and Cr Amanda. Stapledon 83394

Frank Cresia, CEO of Waverley Industries

WHEN approached by the City of Casey to participate in the White Ribbon Challenge Family Violence program I wasn’t quite sure what was required of me, but after being exposed to the family voilence statistics, particularly those against women and children, I had no hesititation in fully commiting myself to the program.
The program has been an eye opener and extremely beneficial.
It has equipped me with ideas and strategies to assist and reduce family violence in our community.
In our program, having healthy round table discussions among other male community leaders has given me confidence to act in a smart way.
Roll playing scenarios and using strategies to diffuse situations is a great way to build confidence as you experience it first-hand.
It wasn’t long before I used my new skills during a national conference that I attended.
I was in a large group of men talking about our industry, when one chap made a sexist comment about a young lady who was walking by.
Of the eight men in the group, six joined in the laughter and some added other sexist comments.
Once the young lady passed, she stopped and turned to look at us.
Clearly, her facial expression said it all, that she was not impressed. Highly likely she had heard one of the comments directed at her.
At this point I spoke up loudly to gain everyone’s attention and I said: “Guys, I’m not happy with your sexist comments, as I have a similar aged daughter and, as a father, I wouldn’t like my daughter being talked about in that manner.
“Do you have a daughter and would you like a group of men making sexist comments and laughing at her as she walks past?”
The entire group of men went silent. The man who initiated the comment eventually said he was going to get another drink.
Once he left, the remaining men commenced talking about the conference itinerary and, sure enough, the male offender didn’t return to the group.
As men we can act in a reponsible manner without sexist comments or aggression.
We can also educate other men that sexist comments are inappropriate in today’s society.
Men should respect women and children in our community hands down.