Rehab plans


A DRUG rehabilitation centre funded by the State Government has been proposed for the City of Casey.
City of Casey councillor Geoff Ablett made the suggestion at a council meeting last Tuesday night and said he hoped the State Government would support the idea, given the high costs associated with this type of centre.
Councillor Ablett said he had had a number of phone calls over the past two years from concerned parents who needed somewhere to send their children who had been drug-affected.
“They have told me it would cost them too much money,” he said.
On Tuesday last week councillors agreed to ask the Minister for Health Martin Foley to meet with council representatives to investigate the possibility of an ‘open space’ rehabilitation centre for those suffering from drug abuse and addiction in the City of Casey.
It would also be open to the broader community in south-east Melbourne.
Councillor Ablett said that the ‘open space’ facility would be live-in and would help its guests re-engage with the community.
“Let’s get to these people early before they wind up in jail,” he said.
He said the facility should include counselling sessions and the opportunity to take part in recreational activities.
“It’s not like being in jail,” he said.
Councillor Ablett said he had seen other models in the city similar to this and was considering possible locations for this type of centre.
“It’s about engagement and re-engaging them, so they don’t feel isolated,” he said.
“You need a farm setting where there is plenty of activities.”
He said he also planned to raise another motion in coming weeks which would suggest the idea of referring those who committed petty crimes to a centre such as this, rather than jail.
“That’s better than being in a cell,” he said.
He said it would be a terrific concept for the City of Casey, which had “alarming” drug statistics.