Kids’ active exchange

Japanese students Haruna and Eri chat to Bronwyn from Maranatha Christian School. 136014 Pictures: DONNA OATES

MARANATHA Christian School values multiculturalism.
That was on clear display this week when students from the Endeavour Hills high school joined in a range of activities with a group of Japanese exchange students.
The 20 exchange students from Shibuya Junior High School in Tokyo were greeted at the Endeavour Hills campus after a day of sight-seeing.
“Now in its 10th year, the Japanese exchange program is an excellent program which promotes cultural understanding, awareness and service over a two-week period for Japanese students aged 14 and 15,” program co-ordinator Delwyn Maidment said.
“During regular school days, the international students will be engaged in a daily program at school and will spend weekends with their host families, engaging in normal family activities.”
The international students will take English as second language lessons, learning common words and phrases as well as numbers and colours, and will also learn about Australia’s Indigenous history and iconic landmarks.
The program also includes three excursions which will see students venture to Lysterfield Lake for a barbecue lunch, the Dandenong Market for some souvenir shopping and a trip to Melbourne Zoo.