Soothe out the pains


An osteopathic treatment can alleviate symptoms of a sporting injury as well as address postural issues, muscle conditioning and many other complaints.
The experienced team of practitioners include osteopaths Dr Lee Cummings, Dr Tracy Nguyen, Dr Sam Wilmann and remedial masseuse John Neeson.
Sam, the most recent addition to the practice, graduated from the Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology with a Masters of Osteopathy in 2011.
He has worked as an osteopath for the past three years and in that time has acquired experience with a diverse range of patients.
His enthusiasm and interest for health was born from his active lifestyle, which include having played and coached sports at many levels, such as soccer, volleyball and cycling.
Sam has experience working as a sports trainer with semi-professional athletes, helping to prevent and manage injuries.
At Total Osteo we take pride in providing effective patient care to all musculoskeletal problems.
So if the aches and pains are not easing, give us a call! Sam is available on Monday, Wednesday and Saturday.
Phone 9701 1169 and check out the website