SOME of Casey’s most creative and artistic young people were recognised at the 2015 Casey Creations Youth Arts Competition awards ceremony on 11 June.
The council announced the winners of the six categories, presented a number of merit and encouragement awards and acknowledged all the wonderful entries received as part of the annual arts and photography competition.
City of Casey Mayor Mick Morland said the calibre and number of entries received this year was a great reflection of the artistic talent on offer in Casey.
“This is the 14th anniversary of the competition and it is an important part of council’s commitment to celebrating the amazing talents of young people from across the municipality.
“Council has received more than 3100 artworks as part of this competition since it was introduced.
“This year’s judges were once again overwhelmed by the quality and diversity of the 400 submissions, which was the highest number of entries council’s ever had for this competition.
“The number of entries just confirms how strong our arts community is and how lucky we are to showcase the incredible talents of our young people.
“I’d like to congratulate each one of the entrants for their efforts, their willingness to participate and for sharing their artistic vision with us,“ Cr Morland said.