IT was the biggest community tree planting event the City of Casey has held and a first time experience for many young children.
With 20,000 trees on hand to help revegetate 10 hectares of natural habitat, more than 300 Casey locals got their hands dirty at the Police Paddocks in Endeavour Hills for the ‘Plant Your Roots’ campaign.
Among the gardeners and green thumbs were some young members of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Association of Victoria (AMAV) who experienced planting a tree for the very first time.
Project and youth leader at the Ahmadiyya Muslim Youth of Victoria, Kaleem Mohammed said it was the second time this year the group had helped reach an environmental goal.
“This year we have more children participating in this event and for most of them this is their first experience in planting trees,” Mr Mohammed said.
“It gives them the opportunity to learn about protecting our environment and most importantly to give back to the country we love and live in.”
More than 70 members of the group participated in the planting exercise and multicultural luncheon, on Sunday 11 October.