Suburb of residence: Dandenong North
How long have you lived in Greater Dandenong? Since early 2021
Political party (past or present): I have my Labor membership
Occupation, business/employer name: –
Property interests: Own a house where I live at Dandenong North
Business interests: NIL
Three most important issues for your ward (in 50 words or less)?
Social Justice, economy and Environmental sustainability issues need stronger advocacy to be addressed and to be allocated with more relevant ongoing fundings specially post COVID19 such as: Housing, Employment, Human Rights/Discriminations, Community Wellbeing including for the local residents with disabilities, the local Youth and for the local Seniors.
Describe your involvement in the local community (in 50 words or less):
Since 2008 calling Australia, Victoria home and raising my children here I have been involved in the local Multicultural Community by delivering many Community Development Projects including inclusive local Community advocacy which I started at Greater Shepparton in Regional Victoria and have continued here at Greater Dandenong since I moved in few years ago.
Why are you standing for election?
Standing for the local Council elections for the second time has developed my Community missions and my Council aims even stronger by being involved in the local Multicultural Community’s development projects and programs including for the local Businesses. For the last few years I have successfully completed many Community Development projects supported by the local Council of Greater Dandenong and were delivered in partnership with the great local initiatives of South East Community Links, Australian Foundation House and SisterWorks Inc across Greater Dandenong including at Yarraman, parts of Noble Park and at Dandenong West.
Now my aim is to have a stronger voice for Yarraman Ward as a potential Multicultural Councillor I will be able to have a seat around the decision making table of the local Council so that I can be an inclusive and stronger voice for the local residents and for the local business owners advocating for the social justice issues including for the local economy issue and the environmental sustainability issue which need to be allocated with more relevant ongoing fundings specially post COVID19.
As a local School Councillor at Lyndale Greens Primary School in Dandenong and as a Board Directory of Victoria Police’s Multicultural Advisory Group my Community knowledge, experiences and my integrity have played huge roles in developing, planning and in delivering many Community development projects and initiatives successfully by which I’m confident to say that if I receive your vote number one I can bring all my relevant expertise on the decision making table and I will be an asset on the local Council.
I encourage all the local residents and local Business owners to refer to my website: Zahra Haydarbig for more relevant info and/or to contact me for more info.
What is your campaign budget? $10,000 to $20,000
Who are your campaign donors? How much have each contributed? A few local Business owners, the exact amount is to be confirmed as it is still in the progress.
What councilors, ex-councilors, MPs or ex-MPs have assisted or advised your campaign? Current local Mayor Lana, Current Deputy Mayor Richard, Cr Jim, Cr Rhonda, Cr Sophia, Former Mayor Eden, Julian MP, Cassandra MP, Current Mayor Jenna City of Kingston, Cr Anthony Brophy of Greater Shepparton City Council, Kim O’Keeffe MP from Shepparton.
Who will you direct your preferences to? I’m still working on that and getting to know the local candidates better.
See the other candidate responses at
The following candidates did not submit survey responses: ABEYSINGHE, Susantha, BROWN, Peter and BILLINGS, Will.