Trio of OAMs celebrated at Dandenong Lodge

Vic Wren, a member of the Dandenong Lodge, was the evening's MC.

A trio of Order of Australia Medal (OAM) recipients from a Dandenong freemasonry lodge have been lauded by their colleagues.

Lindsay Tharle, Joy Tharle and Joan Graham each received OAMs this year for their great charitable deeds and unwavering community service.

They were congratulated in a ceremony on 21 June at the South East Masonic Centre in Keysborough, which is home to Dandenong Lodge.

Lindsay Tharle, a stalwart at the Dandenong Lodge, was said to have exemplified the core principles of the organization through decades of service.

“His leadership and commitment have not only enriched the lodge but have also left an indelible mark on the wider community through numerous charitable initiatives,” a lodge spokesperson said.

Joy Tharle, who is married to Lindsay, was described as an integral part of the Dandenong Masonic family and a tireless supporter of various charitable causes..

“Her compassion and organizational acumen have been instrumental in the success of many community projects over the years,” the spokesperson said.

Joan Graham was also recognised for her fundraising and community outreach efforts that had touched the lives of many.

She is the widow of Brian Graham, a former member of the Dandenong Lodge.

Worshipful Master Alan Roberts told the gathering of the lodge’s deep pride in the trio’s achievements.

“We are honoured to celebrate Lindsay Tharle, Joy Tharle, and Joan Graham today, not only for their achievements but for their selfless dedication to serving others.

“Their recognition with the Order of Australia Medal is a testament to their unwavering commitment and the positive difference they have made in our community.”

He emphasised the importance of their contributions to Freemasonry’s ethos of charity, fellowship, and personal development.