A TEAM of state MPs will be donning their football boots to take on Doveton’s favourite soccer club next month.
On 5 December a group of 11 politicians will compete against the Doveton Special Soccer School on the football field in a special exhibition match.
Dandenong MP Gabrielle Williams will be taking to the field, along with State Treasurer Tim Pallas, to name a few.
For more than two decades Doveton’s Juan Carlos Loyola has dedicated his time and heart to the disabled community, most of which has been as the director of the Doveton Special Soccer School, which opened in 1993.
The Doveton Special Soccer School provides an opportunity for people with an intellectual disability to participate in soccer, physical activities and share the experience of friendship with other athletes, their families and the community.
The exhibition match will take place on Saturday 5 December at Waratah Reserve in Eumemmering from 12.15pm.