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What’s On

March Forward This International Women’s Day, celebrate the power of multicultural women’s voices and the crucial role that transport plays in shaping independent lives. Guest...

Looking Back

100 years ago 5 March 1925 52nd BATTALION CONSECRATION OF COLORS An interesting ceremony will take place at the Show grounds, Dandenong, next Saturday., when the King’s colors...

Cutting new pathways

Students took steps down their career pathways at an open day at Chisholm Institute in Dandenong on Wednesday 19 February. The doors were open for...

Greek celebration in music and words

Acclaimed singer-bass duo Deborah Kayser and Nick Tsiavos were the headline act at a Greek Community Book Day at Springvale Library. The 22 February event...

She’s on the Money podcast founder Victoria Devine is coming to Bunjil Place Library

Connected Libraries will welcome Victoria Devine to Bunjil Place Function Centre to celebrate International Women’s Day. Victoria is a retired financial advisor, business owner, podcaster,...

Sunny times in 50-year gala

In sweltering heat, a Lunar New Year festival celebrated 50 years of Vietnamese resettlement in Melbourne’s South East. The event at Burden Park, Springvale on...

Celebrating International Women’s Day with Jo Stanley

As a celebration of International Women’s Day, the City of Casey will feature JO Stanley, at Bunjil Place on Wednesday 5 March. Starting at...

A love letter to Casey families in the upcoming Melbourne International Comedy Festival

Casey local Alanah Parkin will bring their debut solo comedy to the upcoming Melbourne International Comedy Festival (MICF), saying the show is inspired by...

The path to true success

The Buddha’s teachings offer timeless wisdom for living a meaningful and fulfilling life. One such verse from the Dhammapada states: "For one who is...

What’s On

Dandenong Holi Mela Fun-filled festival of colour (Holi) returns for the 16th year. Includes scrumptious food stalls, variety stalls, DJ, non-stop music, powdered colour water...

Looking Back

100 years ago 25 February 1925 Scarlet Fever Scare Dr Taylor, health officer, wanted to draw attention to the number of cases of Scarlet Fever in Springvale....

Going back in time

Relics of the past are soon to be unveiled as the Narre Warren North community and surrounds prepare themselves for the opening of a...


Survey drops nuclear bombshell

In a pre-election bombshell, voters in the South East have overwhelmingly backed nuclear energy, according to a Star News readers survey. A huge majority of...