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Tag: White ribbon

Voices are raised against alcohol violence

THE Australasian College for Emergency Medicine this month added its ‘loud’ voice to the Australian Medical Association and scores of other groups including Dalgarno...

Thugs to end up in a hole

By CAM LUCADOU-WELLS THE region’s top cop has warned that police are taking a hard line on the “arseholes” who afflict family violence. Assistant...

Walk away from war

By LACHLAN MOORHEAD MARAMA Kufi knows the toll that inevitably comes with conflict. The 46-year-old Ethiopian refugee looks away as he recounts the civil...

Men expected to lead the way

By LACHLAN MOORHEAD TWO years into a three-year program and Caroline Bell sees more than a little hope. The manager of community safety at...

Security found in a safe place

By CASEY NEILL WELLSPRINGS for Women has been a safe place for women in need since it opened its doors in Dandenong 20...

Appalling abuse can turn to honour and respect for all

By GRAEME CANN (CASEY PASTORS NETWORK) AS A man, I am obviously appalled by the statistics relating to the abuse of women and...

Putting out a new message

Frank Cresia, CEO of Waverley Industries WHEN approached by the City of Casey to participate in the White Ribbon Challenge Family Violence program...

Churchs face the violence

By LACHLAN MOORHEAD PASTOR Graeme Cann is starkly aware of the reality of family violence - and he knows it doesn’t discriminate. The pastor,...

Bound together with White Ribbon campaign

By JIM REIHER, CASEY MULTIFAITH NETWORK THE Casey Multifaith Network enthusiastically supports the efforts of the White Ribbon Program and Challenge Family Violence...

Strong statement walk gets on track

By CASEY NEILL WALK Against Family Violence organisers hope to top last year’s 500-strong turnout to show support for victims and efforts to...

Stand together

By CASEY NEILL “I PLEDGE to man up." Hallam student Sovandara Tep and his male Keysborough College peers signed this pledge during a unique approach to...

United against the pain

By GROUP EDITOR GARRY HOWE “I SWEAR never to commit, excuse or remain silent about violence against women. This is my oath.” A growing number of...


‘Enough is enough’: 1km round trip from nets to the pavilion

A cricket club’s long wait for relocated cricket nets could extend to up to 15 years as part of a Greater Dandenong Council masterplan. Since...